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기타 추천키워드 한식, 여행      
루미에 스파 (스킨케어)
2117 Chesterfield Avenue
North Vancouver , BC V7M 2P7
스킨케어,스파 서비스와 BED & BREAKFAST를 즐기실 당신을 조대합니다
  사진을 클릭하시면 더 자세히 보실수 있습니다. (총 4개의 사진정보가 있습니다.)
소개: We have a lovely 3000 sq ft home located on the North Shore of Vancouver conveniently located to some of the world finest outdoor activities such hiking and skiing. Shopping is also walking distance from our home everything from theatres to coffee shops are just a stone’s throw away.

I am a retired Esthetician running a home based Spa offering limited services and my husband is a retired Chef we have dedicated the top floor of our house to accommodate visitors like you, it is clean well appointed and private. We welcome you to experience a peaceful stay in our home and enjoy our neighborhood.

Our rates are $85.00 per night based on double occupancy. Should you require more space for guests or extended family members we can easily accommodate you. Breakfast is optional…just let us know or you can enjoy so many different restaurants right around the corner.

Call for a reservation 604-980-5157 or lumierespa@hotmail.com
오시는 길: 지도를 더블 클릭 하면 확대해서 보실 수 있습니다.

2117 Chesterfield Avenue North Vancouver

No.1 하이웨이 18번 줄구로 나오셔서 첫번쩨 신호등에서 우회전, 첫번쩨 신호등에서 좌회전 하셔서 오른쪽에 간판이 보입니다
영업시간: 09:00 - 22:00
휴무일: 연중무휴

주정부 정식등록 고급중의사(한방전문의, Dr.TCM)이 직접진료, Since 2002 (구. 자생한의원), 밴쿠버 다운타운 한의원, 밴쿠버 한의원 省正式注册的先进的决策(草药专家,Dr.TCM)的直接关怀下. Provincial official registration of advanced decision (herbal specialist, Dr.TCM) direct care 밴쿠버 한의원

코리아포탈 광고문의 604-442-9241

Dr. Michael BD LEE 로히드 한인타운에 위치한 믿을 수 있는 밴쿠버 한인 치과. 전화상담 - 604.421.8282 밴쿠버 치과 牙科牙科(本拿比,温哥华) 牙科温哥华的韩国家庭的舒适和可靠的朋友。 电话咨询-604.421.8282 밴쿠버 치과
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