회사(업소)명 City or Zipcode
기타 추천키워드 한식, 여행      
김남균 부동산
3010 Boundary Road
Burnaby , BC V5M 4A1
김남균, 김남표 밴쿠버 전문 부동산에게 문의해 주세요
최고의 서비스로 귀하를 모시겠습니다.
Brian Kim Professional Real Estate Salesperson Sutton Centre Realty
  사진을 클릭하시면 더 자세히 보실수 있습니다. (총 4개의 사진정보가 있습니다.)
Mission Statement

김남균, 김남표 부동산에 오신 여러분을 환영합니다.
저희는 최고의 서비스로 고객에 맞는 매물이 항시 준비되어 있습니다.
광역 밴쿠버 지역의 매물들을 손쉽게 만나보실수 있습니다.
홈페이지를 방문해 주시거나 저희 연락처로 언제든지 연락주시면
친절하게 답변드리겠습니다. 감사합니다.
The Kim brothers aspire to having a life time relationship with all their clients. We provide advice and adapt to each of our client's needs. Our goals are to make your Real Estate experience the most effective and enjoyable experience as possible. We respect each of our clients and give honest, professional and ethical advice. Our no hassle policy ensures we listen to our clients very carefully and create a comfortable environment where we can accomplish their goals.

About us

We were born in South Korea and immigrated in 1988 to Canada at a very early age. Our family moved to the North Burnaby - Coquitlam area in 1990 and have been their ever since. We have tremendous pride in our community. We both attended and graduated from Sperling Elementry and Burnaby North Secondary School and are proud to serve the area we grew up in and know so well.
Our partnership was initiated by our late father who was a realtor for over 15 years. Brian was first intoduced to real estate at the age of 22 in the year 2001 and Joe was first introduced at the age of 21 in the year 2003. Working as a 3 family member team for over 5 years, gave us a huge head start in our careers. We feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to start our careers at an early age which provided us with a solid foundation for future growth.
We have decided to make Real Estate our lifetime career so this is why we provide the service that reaches beyond expectation to bring you a comfortable environment where we can accomplish your goals. By keeping our ethical standards high, we aspire to build a life time relationship with all our clients and hope to have a positive impact on every part of their lives.
"We revel in the opportunity to make a positive differece in our clients peronal and professional lives".

Brian & Joe Kim

김남균 604 831 8788
김남표 604 762 4443
오시는 길: 지도를 더블 클릭 하면 확대해서 보실 수 있습니다.

크게 보기

주정부 정식등록 고급중의사(한방전문의, Dr.TCM)이 직접진료, Since 2002 (구. 자생한의원), 밴쿠버 다운타운 한의원, 밴쿠버 한의원 省正式注册的先进的决策(草药专家,Dr.TCM)的直接关怀下. Provincial official registration of advanced decision (herbal specialist, Dr.TCM) direct care 밴쿠버 한의원

코리아포탈 광고문의 604-442-9241

Dr. Michael BD LEE 로히드 한인타운에 위치한 믿을 수 있는 밴쿠버 한인 치과. 전화상담 - 604.421.8282 밴쿠버 치과 牙科牙科(本拿比,温哥华) 牙科温哥华的韩国家庭的舒适和可靠的朋友。 电话咨询-604.421.8282 밴쿠버 치과
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